How long does Laser Hair Removal Take?

Our days are busy enough that the more things we can eliminate from our daily routine then the more time we can spend just relaxing. One of those daily habits may include shaving, something we have to do so often because those pesky little hairs grow back so quickly, it’s like they never went away. One way of removing this daily habit and saving a little extra time getting ready in the mornings is to consider a hair removal method that lasts longer. 

Ever want to know exactly how long does laser hair removal take? Here is the answer, in a nutshell, the length of time that laser hair removal takes per session will depend on the amount of hair to be removed, the gender of the person and whether it is full body hair removal or not. Each session, by an experienced practitioner, can take between ninety minutes and three hours. you can achieve excellent results after only 4 sessions to 10 sessions with an occasional top-up once or twice a year (depending on the individual).

Laser hair removal is a good choice that will help you save time and money in the long run. No more waking up early to carefully shave your legs or armpits or beards; no more dealing with the accidental knicks and cuts; no more spending money buying dozens of shavers and shaving cream. 

Just a few laser treatments and you can enjoy smooth hairless skin for months at a time.


Before you go waltzing into the first laser treatment facility you see, be sure to do your research before committing to a service. This is probably your first time, so its best to have it done by a professional. 

Those who work with lasers know all about how important your appearance is to you, so they won’t mind walking you through the process and answering any further concerns. 

If you’re not sure about their results, feel free to ask them for some before and after photographs, because they would not mind bragging about their successes. You can also enquire about the lasers they use and if it will work best with your skin tone, as different lasers work differently on lighter or darker skin.

Once you’re ready to go through with it, make sure to book an appointment. This way you know that when you come in you won’t have to wait long to get all those little annoying hairs removed. 

If you have been waxing, you may need to wait a while to let the hairs grow before you can have them removed with a laser. Booking an appointment after a few days or weeks may give you sufficient time to prep your skin for what’s about to come next.

As much as possible, stay out of the sun before you have your unwanted hair removed with a laser. Not only can the UV rays improve the chances of you experiencing discoloration of your skin, but they can also damage your skin with a tan, which will be multiplied after a laser treatment. 

Make sure to clean the area that will be treated and don’t apply anything on it like lotion, deodorant, or makeup. 

The person treating you will clean the area beforehand, but the less cleaning needed would make the process go a whole lot faster. Any residue on your skin may prevent the laser from removing the hair in the area.


Once you’re in the clinic and all the cleaning is done, the process doesn’t take long at all. You don’t have to worry about canceling your whole day for one laser treatment. Depending on which area of your body is being treated, the process can take anywhere between 20 minutes to a couple of hours. Small areas with little hairs like on your face will only keep you there for a few minutes.

Some women often pop in to have the tiny hairs on their upper lip removed, which only takes a few short minutes. However, if you’re removing hair from your back, legs, or a full-body treatment then you better make yourself comfortable because you will be there for a few short hours. But just like any other beauty facility, their staff can be chatty and you won’t even feel the time pass. 

The effects of laser treatments are a different story though. The first thing you’ll notice after a laser treatment in some redness and mild skin irritations. These are both perfectly normal and they should disappear in a few hours or by the next day at most. 

Another thing that stays for 24 hours is the heat in your skin, so it would be in your best interest to stay away from any strenuous activity for a day, because sweat and warm skin are ideal conditions for bacteria, and we definitely want to avoid that. So, NO GYM! 

Your skin will be more sensitive afterwards, which means that any picking, scratching, or exposure to sunlight is out of the question. The irritation might be temporary, but if you damage your skin in any way after laser treatment, the consequences could be more permanent.


Remember that laser hair removal is not like waving a magic wand once and poof – no hair. While the hair may go away after your treatment, the results you want is hairless skin for a long time. In order to achieve this goal, you will have to go in for multiple treatments over a period of time. 

An ideal treatment schedule would be about four to eight laser treatments that happen a month after another. Once you have accomplished all the treatments, you will notice that your hair growth has been reduced to almost 80%. 

Patience is key to laser treatments – trust that you will eventually see the results that you want and the relief of not worrying about unwanted hair anymore will overwhelm you. 

In fact, once you finish your initial treatments, you will only have to go in for touch-up treatments once or twice a year for those stubborn little hairs, but even those will eventually stop growing. 

Laser hair removal is a quick and easy process of getting the best results that could leave you with smooth hairless skin for years at a time. 

Eventually, the hairs will grow so slowly and so thinly that they will be invisible to the eye. Lasers might not be able to offer permanent solution, but it comes in pretty close behind as the next best thing. 

In the end, how long does laser hair removal take will depend on a number of factors. If depends on your gender, hair type (is it course of fine), size of your body (are you 7 feet tall man or a petit 5feet lady), your skin colour also plays a part (is your hair contrasting enough). Whatever the limitation, these days, technology has improved and you can get the result you want. Successfully ridding yourself of unwanted body hair. 

Thanks for visiting lovely skin stuff. The site where we share the secrets of stuff for lovely skin and hair removal

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