How to Use Nair Properly

It’s a new day and a new nightmare of unwanted body hair. Trust me. I get it. It’s annoying, Whether you are getting ready to go to an interview and you want to look your best or going on a date, the last thing you want is to look like Chewbacca. (Star Wars fans).

Most hair removal is painful too and not all that effective. Laser removal, however, is effective, but expensive. So if you want to save money, I suggest you keep reading on.

Because in this article, we are going to talk about Nair. Yes, the magic cream you can just put on your legs and hair just comes off. It’s that easy. Nair has been around for a long time.

Literally, since the 1940s was when it was first introduced. You will find out in this article how to use Nair properly and why Nair in the first place. Everything you need to know. I got your back.

Why Nair?

Well. It’s all in the name, “Nair” or “No hair.” This brand does exactly what it says. Oh and remember what I mentioned earlier, it goes back until the 1940s and it is still around generation after generation. People love this stuff! As a Nair user myself, I love this stuff too and I have been using it since I been in my teens!

  • trusted brand
  • safe
  • fast
  • effective
  • pain-free
  • affordable
  • credible

They are a trusted brand and their products have naturally derived ingredients! How awesome is that? Natural products are always great.

And check this out, It’s painless! Your days with the nicking of the razor or the redness from getting waxes are over!

What Exactly Can Nair be used For?

Nair can be used for the following below:

  • legs
  • bikini
  • body
  • underarms
  • eyebrow
  • facial hair
  • hair on hands

Any unwanted hair that you don’t want. Make sure you are getting the right Nair product though. For example, if you want to remove unwanted hair around your bikini area, make sure you get the Nair product that is exclusively for the bikini area.

 I know. I know.

You might be wondering, Did you just say bikini area? Yes, I did and you deserve extra care for that sensitive area!

How To Use Nair Properly?

Patch Test

When testing anything that is about to go onto your skin, patch test it first. Always. Patch testing allows your body to understand the foreign substance you are placing on top of it and whether your skin accepts that or not. Now, you might think oh well I patch tested one Nair product and it worked so I won’t have to patch test other Nair products.

Wrong. You still have to do the patch test. Your body might like one thing, but not the other thing, even though it’s from the same brand. Now, I know I mentioned Nair is safe which it is, BUT if you use it correctly. There is no need to get all fancy and add extra things to applying Nair. Just do exactly what it says to do and how to do it.

I recommend getting the Nair Aloe Vera one and if you suffer from dry skin get the cocoa butter one. I have used these two faithfully.

Aloe vera is great and it soothes you from any irritation. This is great for people with sensitive skin.

Cocoa butter is awesome too because it moisturizes dry skin.

Smooth Even Layer

Make sure when using any Nair product to smooth on even layer. This will ensure that you won’t have some spots that are bare and some spots that are still covered with hair.

For coarser and thicker hair, smooth on a thicker layer.

Don’t rub it in. It is not meant to be used like lotion!

Wait and Wipe Away

Usually, before I get into the shower, I smear cream on the affected area and wait 3 minutes. I then take a damp towel and wipe the hair away. The reason I do this before the shower is that some Nair products have an unpleasant odor to it. So after I wipe the cream away, I like to go in the shower and rinse the area with soap and lukewarm water, or whatever shower gel/body wash desired.

Don’t get discouraged though just because it has an unpleasant odor. There are

If I am treating an area where the hair is coarser or thicker then I will wait longer than 3 minutes. One time I didn’t wait long enough and when I wiped with a damp cloth the hair didn’t go away. Naturally, I just thought, “Oh wow, this product is a lie, but no, I just didn’t wait.”

I can’t stress enough, waiting is important but at the same time be mindful of how long you are waiting. You can cause yourself to get burned, No more than ten minutes!

Now you might say, “Wait I thought this was pain-free and safe.” Yes, it is while you are applying it and removing process of the hair it is safe, As I mentioned earlier, if you apply it right and follow easy directions on the back, you will be fine!

Cost is Low

The cost is very low, I’m talking $10 and under! You heard me right. I’m serious, you go see for yourself. It’s amazing how something has a low price and it works! People pay up to $400-$900 for hair removal!

Does it Expire?

All things get old and it is no different from Nair. Nair does not have an exact expiration date on the packaging itself, however, what I do is I just keep using it until it runs out and buy more, or if I feel like it’s just been sitting up ill replace with new. It is all about personal preference.

But I believe all things get old, even if it doesn’t say an expiration date.

Can Children Use this too?

Of course, if they are 12 years old. I have a younger sibling who is about 13 and I let her use Nair for her legs all the time, but with supervision.

I love Nair and will continue to use their products!

For more information and history on Nair check out their website here!

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