Do Epilators Work On Fine Hair?

If you are in the market for an epilator but are unsure of which one to splurge on, I may be able to help you. It’s more important that it works perfectly than what the price is or what brand.

Every one’s hairs are different, from thick, coarse, dark hairs to finer, blonde hairs and the most important question is, do epilators work on fine hair?

Do epilators work on fine hair? Yes. Epilators work well on coarse hairs and fine fuzzy hairs. As a matter of fact, most good epilators work better on fine hairs than coarse hairs. However, there are certain important features that are required for fine hair epilation.

A large majority of people mainly want to use epilators on their legs. Others don’t mind shaving their underarms and legs because it’s quick and easy.

They lambast epilators stating that they take forever to get rid of hairs, however, they praise the amazing results.

I love using my trusty epilator (the Braun Silk-épil 9) because I have all types of hairs on my body, from course dark hairs to superfine blonde hairs.

I can swear by my epilator and how it works super fine but others online suggest that theirs does now work will.

Could this be because they are not using the epilator properly or they bought a poor quality one believing that all epilators work the same?

How Do I Know If My Hair Is Fine Or Coarse?

You may not really be sure of how fine/coarse your hairs are because most people do not have a point of reference. Let’s share what I think fine hair is and what coarse hair is.

I guess fine hair is really fine, virtually invisible and if someone should put a strand of this hair between your fingers you would not be able to feel it.

While course hair is visible and if it is placed between your fingers you would be able to feel it. If you have a more scientific method, please share.

Most times fine hairs are the same color as your skin and can only be felt with a very light touch.  Would the epilator work on hair that’s not super coarse?

How To Successfully Epilate Fine Hairs?

The general guidance is the same. Get a good epilator, the cheap stuff does not always work. Fine hairs need the extra teeth, and higher speed setting to be able to grab those much finer hairs.

This is so important because finer hairs are not as strong as thicker coarser hairs and is, therefore, easier to break above the skin and not epilate.

In order to epilate properly and get perfect results, you may have to do a few things. Remember if you do not epilate properly, you will have stubble after epilating, which is a bad thing, no one wants stubbles after epilating.

Pre-epilating: Preparation Of The Skin For Fine Hair Epilation.

The general guidance is to exfoliate. Again, this gets rid of dead skin cells, oils and bacteria that may cause infection in the newly vacated hair follicles and cause ingrown hairs.

Since the hairs are super fine, it is best to epilate dry. No need to worry, epilating fine hairs are less painful than coarse hairs.

When you epilate wet the hairs lay flat and the skin making it difficult for the epilator to grab.

However, when you epilate dry the hair stand and is easier for the epilator to grab. Using warm water when you exfoliate also helps the pores to open up making it easier for the epilator to pull the hairs out.

The hairs are fine, so no moisturizer or anything else that would make it difficult for the epilator to grab the hairs.  

Your skin has to be thoroughly dried. You can make your hairs less slippery by adding a little corn starch it to. Other swear by powdering the skin before epilating, it so that the epilator can easily glide on the over the skin.

It Is Time To Epilate Your Fine Hairs

You want to help the epilator as much as possible, therefore, epilate is a slow, straight line in the opposite direction of the grain of your hair (direction of hair growth).

Pull your skin extra taut so that it is easier for the hairs to make full contact with the epilator.

Remember to hold the epilator correctly.   The best position to hold the epilator in is at a 90-degree angle against your skin.

Epilate at a constant speed against your hair growth pattern, you may speed up until you find the perfect speed where the epilator is doing its job and the hairs are not snapping instead of epilating.

How To Prevent Ingrown Fine Hairs?

Not only people with dark coarse hairs suffer from ingrown hairs, but people with fine hair are also at risk of developing ingrown hair problems.

It is easier for fine hairs not to exit the skin because they are so soft and may find it difficult the exit the skin if the pores are blocked by dead skin cells, oils or dirt.

You can do something to prevent ingrown fine hairs. The solution is quite simple – exfoliate often and remove the upper layers and dead skin cells regularly.

It is recommended that you exfoliate before you epilate, the day after, and then every other day. Don’t be too abrasive with the exfoliation because you do not want to irritate your skin.

Features The Best Epilator For Fine Hairs Should Possess.

The best epilator for fine hair should include, at a minimum, these three features, multi-speed setting, hair lifting technology and included LED light for spotting the hairs in poorly lit rooms.  

Multi-speed Setting

Get an epilator with multiple speed setting. It allows you the option of multiple speed for you to discover which speed setting works perfectly for your type of fine hair.

Fine hairs are easy to break and therefore it is much better for you to start with the slowest setting. The higher speed tends to snap the hairs above the surface of the skin.

Hair Lifting Technology.

The feature allows the epilator to lift or grip the hairs for better epilation. The names for this technology are different based on the different brands. Braun calls this “close-grip technology,” that allows it to pull out hairs as short as 0.05 millimeters.

Philips epilators come with a “hair lifting massage cap” that combs and lifts hairs from the skin so that the epilator can grab the hairs better. With Phillip epilator, you get a massage cap that is a clip on the epilator head.

Included LED Light

Get an epilator model that comes with a built-in LED light.  The light shines on your skin so that you can see the finest hairs.

You want to be able to see the hairs so that you can epilate your skin better. The feature may seem simple but it is a godsend because bathrooms tend to have poor lighting.

Which Epilator Is Perfect For Fine Hairs?

The one that I found that matches all these features and come with lots of great customer reviews is the Braun Epil 9.


Epilators work well with all types of hair types, including fine hair. Epilating fine hairs is less painful than epilating coarse hairs.

Whichever type of hairs you have it is important that you exfoliate to get rid of dead skin, bacteria and dirt. The answer to the question of do epilators work on fine hairs is answered.

The best epilator for fine hair is the Braun Silk-épil 9. It comes with a lot of useful attachments that are perfect for you to gain a lovely skin. I give it the lovely skin stuff approval.

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