Does Waxing Your Vag Hurt?

Nobody understands how much the beauty standards of today’s society hurts as much as a woman who has made the decision to have all the hair in her most private area ripped out. The notion that a bikini wax, or even more, a Brazilian wax, will be a painful experience is pre-programed into our brains. We don’t even need to ask whether or not it will be a discomfort – we just know.

If you are asking the question, then you are probably one of the many women who wants to have a hairless appearance at your most intimate parts. You are probably feeling incredibly nervous, and if I might say, a little bit afraid to go through with the procedure. Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, many women do it and they all claim that it is all worth it in the end.

Does Waxing Your Vag Hurt?

It all depends on who you ask. If you ask a first-timer, they will probably respond with “Oh my God! It is unimaginably painful!” However, if you ask someone who has been having the little hairs around her flower ripped out for quite some time, she might say “Meh, I hardly feel a pinch anymore.”

The truth is, the skin around your intimate parts is one of the most sensitive areas on your whole body. There are many pain receptors and nerves done there so you will feel everything quite strongly, whether its pain or pleasure, and trust me, waxing is not the pleasurable type of experience.

Waxing involves ripping out any unwanted hair from the root by applying wax to the area that sticks to the hairs and then ripping it off in one quick and swift motion. However, pubic hair (the hair around your genitals) is much thicker in diameter. This means that it takes a stronger force to pull those hairs out compared to waxing any other part of your body. Since the hairs are thicker, the pores that they are pulled from will be bigger, which means that there are more nerves in the surrounding area. This is why waxing down there is more painful than waxing your legs for example.

And aside from the physical pain your experience, there is also the emotional trauma that you will have to endure by spreading your legs wide open and exposing the most sacred part of your body to a complete stranger who will then go in and look at it under bright fluorescent lights. The embarrassment customers feel cannot be described.

How To Prepare For A Vag Wax

I cannot stress this enough – LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS! Waxing your flower is not like waxing your legs. The area is more sensitive, not to mention, there are some areas you cannot see and waxing blindly is not the best way to do it. Let someone else do it, preferably someone who is trained with tons of experience behind them

What you can do is trim the hairs in the area since waxing long hairs is not only more painful, but less hair will stick to the wax which means that the esthetician would have to wax the area again. Waxing an area more than once is not recommended since it will be more sensitive after the first wax strip has been pulled off.

You should also clean your private areas. Not only is clean skin necessary for a successful wax because the wax will stick to the hairs better, but it is also a consideration for the esthetician who will be up close and personal with your intimate areas.

How To Minimize Pain When Waxing Your Vag

If you are about to attempt a bikini wax (only removing hair that can be seen outside the outline of a bikini) or a Brazilian wax (removing ALL the hair around your private parts) for the first time, you might want to take a few precautions in order to minimize the pain you will experience. You should definitely do this if your tolerance for pain is low or non-existent.

Consider applying a numbing cream around the area that is about to be waxed. There are several creams that you can buy at the drug store that will numb your skin and minimize the pain you will experience. The creams can even remove the pain entirely and all you will feel is a pull, but no sudden shock of excruciating pain. Just make sure that the creams are not oily because that can prevent the wax from properly sticking to the hairs.

If you can’t get your hands on a numbing cream, just take a painkiller about 30 minutes before getting waxed. You don’t even need a prescription for a special painkiller because any over-the-counter painkiller will suffice. Make sure you drink it a good time beforehand and not last minute, otherwise the painkiller will not have been absorbed yet and will have no effect.

Ask your esthetician for a cold compress to be readily available during your wax treatment so that it can be applied immediately after the wax has been ripped off. The cold compress can soothe the burning sensation that is often accompanied by a vag wax.

Make sure to wear something loose to your wax appointment. Your skin will feel very tender and sensitive after the wax treatment and tight clothing against the skin will only cause more irritation. Give your waxed skin a little breathing room afterwards.

Lastly, apply a cool soothing cream to the waxed skin when you get home. This will calm the redness and minimize any pain that you still feel, while still moisturizing the skin for a healthier appearance.

Should You Go Through With A Vag Wax?

If you insist on having a hairless appearance in your intimate parts then yes, waxing is the best way to go. Shaving leaves behind itchy skin with hairs that grow back after a few days with a thicker and coarser texture, which can be incredibly uncomfortable. Waxing removes the hair from the root, so the effects will last between 3-6 weeks of smooth, hairless skin. Also, when waxed hair does grow back, it will be thinner.

After a few waxes, you will have grown accustomed to the ripping and you will no longer feel any pain. In the long-term plan, waxing is your best option.

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