How To Prep For Waxing At Home

Preparation is key to any aspect of life, including the removal of unwanted body hair. It does not matter if you are trying to wax yourself for the first time at home or you have already done this several times before – preparation is important for all. There are several things you need to do beforehand to prepare both the skin and the hair for the best possible outcome.

Waxing involves applying wax on the skin and then removing the wax with the hairs attached to it, pulling the hairs from the root. If you don’t do this properly, there are a few side effects. But we probably want to avoid all of that, which is why we have made a list of do’s and don’ts so that you can walk away from this experience with silky smooth skin that boosts your confidence.

Things To Do Long Before Your First Wax

Waxing is not something you should do on the spot without any prior preparation and testing since there are a few things that could go wrong and in the event that happens, it would be better if it went wrong long before a special occasion where you were hoping to flaunt your beautiful skin.


The first thing that could go wrong is you having an allergic reaction to the wax. If you know what chemicals or ingredients in the wax that you could be allergic to, then you should look for a brand of DIY wax kits that do not contain that particular ingredient.

If you are unsure whether or not you are allergic to anything, do a spot check first. Apply some of the wax on a small area of skin days before going through with a full treatment. If your skin feels irritated in that small area or it becomes red and you develop a rash, it would be best to avoid waxing using that particular wax brand.


Don’t wax when your skin is more sensitive than usual. One fear people have of waxing is the pain they would have to endure when the wax and hair is ripped from the skin.

The pain you will experience is based on your own threshold for pain, and also whether or not you are pulling the wax off correctly; however, sensitive skin can also play a big role.

For women, your skin is more sensitive during that time of the month, so it would be best to wax before or after that. You should also avoid waxing any area of skin that has been sunburnt or has a rash or pimples since waxing there will not only be more painful, but it can damage the skin even more.

Things To Do right Before Waxing


Exfoliation is the mild scrubbing of the skin using either an exfoliating scrub that contains small, rough particles or a brush/loofah with a rougher texture than a regular washcloth.

Exfoliating removes any dead skin cells around the hair and it also loosens any ingrown hair. This is an essential process in waxing as it can improve the results and appearance of the skin after waxing. Remember that exfoliation is meant to be a gentle scrub – if done too harshly then you can damage your skin and leave behind a rash.

Cleaning the skin before waxing is also very important. If there is any dirt, oil or bacteria on the skin before waxing then the results will not be the best. the skin’s natural oil can prevent the wax from sticking properly to the hairs, so when you pull off the wax, the hair will still remain. Since hair is being pulled from the root, any residue that is left on the skin can enter the pore and infect it, not only leaving behind an irritating red bump but an infected one as well.


In order to remove hair more smoothly with as little resistance as possible, it would be best to soak the target area in water first. You might as well treat yourself to a warm bath before waxing, but if you don’t have the time or a bathtub, simply soaking your skin for 5-10 minutes will work just as fine.

The water will not only moisturize your skin for a healthier wax treatment, but it will also loosen the skin up a bit so that the hairs are not stubborn when being pulled. Stubborn hairs are one of the reasons why waxing can be a bit painful for first-timers.

However, wax does not stick to wet skin and hair. So, once you are done soaking the skin, dry it properly with a towel before applying the wax. Dry hair on the skin is necessary for a successful wax treatment.

How To Properly Wax

All DIY wax kits come with detailed instructions on what to do and it would be best to follow those instructions to the letter. Remember that there are different types of waxes to choose from, so even if you have done this before but you switched waxes, you should still read the instructions just in case there is the smallest difference in what to do.

For hot waxes, don’t immediately apply it onto your skin after heating it as it may be too hot. Not only can very hot wax be painful, but it can also burn and damage your skin. So, it would be best to first gauge if the wax it tolerable while still hot enough.

All waxes, both hot and cold, should be applied in the same direction that the hair is growing and not against it. The wax should be smoothed against the hair and skin using a flat wooden or plastic wax applicator. This ensures that the hairs properly stick to the wax.

After applying the wax, the next step is to remove it. Some wax does not need waxing paper to be removed. Instead, you simply need to wait a few minutes for it to harden before ripping it off. Once again, this depends on the waxing kit you are using, so I hope you read the instructions properly.

When removing the wax, whether or not you are using a wax paper or just pulling the hardened wax itself, you should pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Make sure to hold the skin taut before pulling so that the wax is easier to remove. For the best results, make it a quick and swift pull. Slow pulls are not only useless, but it is also more painful and hardly any of the hair will be removed.

Lastly, when you are done and satisfied with your wax treatment, calm and treat your skin with a moisturizer. 

Waxing is not a very complicated process, but if done incorrectly, it can be an inconvenience.

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