Lovely skin is definitely in. Super smooth skin can be yours for weeks, at the flick of a switch or the press of a button of your preferred epilator. However, you’ve got to learn How To Use An Epilator The Right Way.
The art of epilating has actually progressed. So whether you’ve been epilating for many years or you’re an epilation novice searching for some simple methods that will give you lovely skin, I will guide you. In no time, you will be epilating like a pro.
While seeking ways to remove unwanted hairs in a fast and efficient manner, epilation is a very easy and effective method of hair removal without sacrificing too much cash.
I think hair epilation is your best option and is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional razor shaving and waxing.
By the mere method of the hair removal technique, using epilators can hurt because of skin sensitivity and can take a bit of getting used to.
If you are an epilator novice, make sure you learn the process of how to use an epilator the right way.
The more you use an epilator the more your pain threshold will increase and you will move down the epilator pain scale – maybe down from oh my god to bearable.
If you are a novice, here’s our step-by-step guide to get you started epilating, properly.
Step 1: Get the Right Epilator
An important first step is to get the right epilator for the job. It may seem like a simple unimportant step but trust me, it is important that you do so at the beginning. Cheap is not better, a poor quality epilator makes epilation painful. Our job is to remove unwanted hairs in a pleasant manner.
In our opinion, the Braun silk-epil 9 with the face epilator is the best epilators for beginners.
It is rated very highly by friends and family. Furthermore, Braun is a leader in the industry with a great reputation. So you know that their product is amazing.
What Braun said about this epilator?
Braun Silk-épil 9 SkinSpa is a new standard of epilation excellence combined with an innovative sonic exfoliation brush.
The wider head covers more areas & removes more hair in one stroke for faster epilation.
The MicroGrip tweezer technology introduces Braun’s most innovative tweezers with an improved geometry to increase the plucking and feeding performance and gently remove more hairs in one stroke.
The combination of these two features results in faster hair removal, even on the shortest hairs (0.5mm) that wax cannot catch, for up to 4 weeks of smooth skin.
The exfoliation brush removes dead skin cells thanks to its massaging micro-vibrations that visibly improve skin’s appearance by exfoliating it 4x better than a manual treatment alone.
The 40 per cent wider head ensures even more hairs are captured and removed in one stroke, while the revolutionary MicroGrip Tweezer technology with wider, longer and deeper tweezers increases epilation performance, removing hair 4x shorter than wax.
Pro tip: If you use battery-operated epilators make sure your epilator battery is fully charged.
When the battery is dying it slows down and snaps the hairs instead of pulling them out, making the process extremely painful.
The corded ones (epilators) will maintain max power but won’t be able to be used in the shower because water and electricity are not friends.
Epilator: how to use an epilator properly
Step 2: Prepare Your Skin for Epilation
Longer hair can be painful to epilate, therefore, you should trim the hair you want to epilate. Trimming to 2 to 3 mm is fine.
According to Braun, their epilators can grab hairs as short as 0.5mm making it possible to epilate hairs that are barely visible.
Since hairs grow in growth cycles, one set of hairs then another, some people prefer to shave the area then allow it to regrow for 2 to 3 days.
This has two main benefits; one, the hairs will regrow at approximately the same length, making it easier and less painful to epilate; and two, you will have less hair to epilate, remember growth cycles.
With shorter hairs, the epilator works better, since it catches short hairs easier. If the hair is too long, it will sometimes get tangled in the epilator head as you epilate, making the process painful.
Each day we generate new skin cells and shed the old top layer of skin cells. Exfoliation helps to get rid of those dead skin cells and bacteria on the top layer of our skin.
When we epilate, we put out the hairs from the root and those dead cells may block the path of the hairs when it is time to regrow leading to the occurrence of ingrown hairs.
Exfoliating your skin just before you epilate reduces this risk. Getting ingrown hairs is horrible as it can become infected and lead to severe problems.
Even if you use other methods of hair removal, you can still suffer from ingrown hairs.
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and oils from the skin making it much easier and more efficient to epilate.
Pro tip: Only moisturise AFTER epilation, NEVER before. Moisturising before epilation can cause the hair to stick to the skin and therefore not get picked up by tweezers of the epilator.
It also makes the epilator less efficient as the moisturiser causes the hairs to slip through the tweezers.
When and how long to epilate your skin:
If you are an epilation novice, you may find that epilating wet is less painful. When I say wet, it means that you can epilate in the shower or while having a bath.
It goes without saying that you should get a wet/dry epilator for this purpose. Going wet allows the skin to soften and the pores to open making the epilation process much easier and almost pain-free.
The wet/dry epilators are usually waterproof.
The best time to epilate
Epilate at night
When you epilate your skin may have red patches, it is normal but does not look that great. Therefore the best time to epilate is at night.
Night epilation gives the skin a chance to calm down and for the redness to go away.
By morning, your skin would be nice and fresh. If you are planning to go out try to epilate at least 24 hours prior.
How long it takes to epilate
If you use shaving as your hair removal technique, you can be done shaving in a matter of moments.
However, if you decide to epilate, set aside at least half-hour to a full hour because epilation is much slower than shaving. You will love the results though.
Step 3: Start Epilating
Epilation is the plucking of hairs from the skin, removing it from the root. You will, therefore, experience a bit of pain. On the epilator pain scale, it will be a bit painful but not unbearable.
You can read the article about how to epilate without pain for a bit of comfort. As you epilate, your body will quickly become accustomed to the process of epilation and will experience nearly no pain.
If you suspect that it will be painful because you have ultra-sensitive skin try taking a mild painkiller like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
Always seek the advice of your pharmacist or doctor before taking any medication and never exceed the dosage. If you did waxing before, the pain is quite similar.
Guidance on How to epilate
You did all the pre-empilating setup and now it is time for the real thing.
Step 1: Start with the slow setting
If you’re a complete beginner to epilating, start with the slow setting. Epilate the less sensitive parts of your body first.
The front of the leg is the least sensitive part of your leg.
Step 2: Applying Pressure on the epilator
Apply light pressure on the epilator as you epilate your skin. Most good epilators will have a function on the epilator that indicates when you are applying too much pressure.
When you apply pressure the epilator will not cut or damage your skin but the epilator will not work as efficiently as it could.
Hold the epilator at a 90-degree angle to your skin and slowly epilate against the grain (direction) of your hair growth pattern.
You may have to make several passes over the same spot for all the hairs to epilate.
As you get more comfortable with the epilator you can increase the speed on the epilator to make the process much quicker.
Pro tip: use your hand and rub your skin against the grain of your hairs to lift the hairs from your skin. This gives the epilator a chance to grab the finer shorter hairs.
Step 4: Moisturise Skin After Epilating
Finally, the hairs are gone and it is now time for the final step. Treating your skin special. Apply a bit of moisturiser to your skin to help it to calm down and be ready by the next day.
It is possible to try the Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser because it will soothe your skin leaving it nourished.
Step 5: Clean your Epilator After Hair Epilating
Having great hygiene is good. After epilating use, the brush provided in the epilator package to clean the epilator of hairs.
You may also remove the head and get rid of more hairs. This ensures that your trusty device lasts for a very long time.
You’re done! And I am sure, it wasn’t as bad as some people thought it would be, but instead, was actually quite pleasant.
The result was actually amazing, wasn’t it? Now you have super smooth skin that is the envy of all your friends.
For the next 3 to 6 weeks you do not have to do much, except maybe with a little touch up here and there, depending on the rate of your unique hair growth pattern.
Your bank account says thank you because you save so much money by epilating at home.